No Niyama, No Drama: The Inner Path of Yoga

While the Yamas guide how we interact with the world, the Niyamas turn the focus inward, shaping our personal discipline and self-growth, hence referred to as personal observances. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the Niyamas make up the second limb of yoga, offering practices that cultivate inner clarity, resilience, and integrity.

For yoga teachers, the Niyamas align closely with Yoga Australia’s Code of Professional Conduct, reinforcing self-study, ethical responsibility, and continuous personal growth.

The Five Niyamas & Teaching Ethics

  1. Shaucha (Purity/Cleanliness) – This goes beyond physical cleanliness to include clarity of mind and intention. As teachers, Shaucha reminds us to maintain a clean and welcoming space, both physically and energetically. It also encourages mindful communication—offering instruction with clarity, honesty, and respect.

  2. Santosha (Contentment)Santosha is about embracing what is, rather than constantly seeking what could be. In teaching, this means letting go of comparison—whether with other teachers, students, or personal expectations. It’s about fostering a culture where progress, not perfection, is the focus.

  3. Tapas (Self-Discipline & Passion)Tapas fuels dedication, perseverance, and transformation. A committed yoga teacher shows up for their own practice, continues learning, and stays present for students. Yoga Australia encourages professional development, and Tapas reminds us that lifelong learning is part of the path.

  4. Svadhyaya (Self-Study & Reflection) – The journey inward never ends. Svadhyaya invites teachers to reflect on their own biases, triggers, and personal growth, ensuring that their teaching remains authentic and evolving. Through study—of yogic texts, contemporary research, and personal experience—teachers deepen their ability to guide others.

  5. Ishvarapranidhana (Surrender & Trust)Ishvarapranidhana is about releasing control and trusting in something greater—whether that’s the flow of life, divine wisdom, or simply the natural unfolding of events. As teachers, we can only offer guidance; it’s up to students to walk their path. Practicing Ishvarapranidhana means letting go of attachment to outcomes and trusting the process.

Living the Niyamas as a Yoga Teacher

Teaching yoga is more than leading poses—it’s about embodying the philosophy we share. The Niyamas remind us that our greatest influence as teachers comes not just from what we say, but from how we live. When we cultivate personal discipline, self-awareness, and inner peace, our teaching becomes more authentic and our communities more connected.

By integrating the Niyamas, we step into our role as teachers with integrity, wisdom, and grace—ensuring that yoga remains a practice of transformation for both ourselves and those we guide.

So, no Niyama, no drama—because when we take care of our inner world, everything else falls into place. Sounds easy, sometimes it is, but sometimes it is not so. However, the investment in this work is immeasurable! I truly believe its worth doing ‘the work’, the gains are deeply beneficial for your journey of the soul in this life.


What the Yama! No Yama, Llama


For Presence: Where Your Energy Flows, Your Practice Grows