Ashtanga Foundations :: Finding YOUR technique’s and options for this practice with proper intention 🪷
✨Part A - Chanting & Pranayama :: Saturday 11:30-1:30pm June 10
✨Part B - Standing Sequence :: Saturday 2-4pm June 10
✨Part C - Seated Sequence :: Sunday 1:30-3:30 June 11
We’re doing a three stage workshop for Ashtanga practice which will be covering:
Parts A & B - 11:30-1:30 & 2-4pm Saturday June 10
Cost: $195 (members discount applies)
Chanting & Pranayama
· Ujjayi Pranayama “Victorious breath” – breaking it down and building it up
· Opening & Closing Ashtanga chants: meaning and translation of chants; lexical semantics & diction of sacred Sanskrit;
Surya Namaskar A & B – meaning of them, why do we do them? Technique’s & options
Standing Sequence
– Transitions. Moving from standing to the floor; step, lunge or jump backs/front.
– standing postures & techniques
– options for different practices
– using props
Part C - Sunday 1:30-3:30pm, June 11
- Seated postures & techniques
- Options for different practices
- Using props
- moving through postures: How, why Vinyasa between postures
Backbends & Inversions
- backbend variations and options for different practices,
Headstand preparation, headstand options and variations.
If you’ve been practicing in our Ashtanga classes I would love have you join us for these workshops so me and our Yoga Maya team can further support your practice in a more comprehensive and informative way then we get to in our classes.
If you are new to this practice or would like to give this a try please get in touch so we can have a chat and see how this can fit for you. You might consider the appropriateness of an Ashtanga Beginner course to help you get started in this practice.